
Try The Dry on Sky

Here at Crime Fiction Lover we love it when a book we’ve championed finds a wider audience via a film adaptation. Back in 2017, we placed The Dry – a debut novel by Jane Harper – on our Recommended list. Four years later, you can…
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NagaiSayonara: Top five books of 2017

Without getting too political, it’s no surprise that the issues of racism and terror featured highly in crime fiction this year. On the other hand, the kind of noir that eschews the global to focus on the personal had another strong year, and this approach…
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Book Club

The Dry

It hasn’t rained in Kiewarra for years, but is that really enough to drive a well-loved local farmer to suicide, taking most of his family with him? Or was there something more to it? City cop and ex-Kiewarra resident Aaron Falk has taken it upon…
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The Dry by Jane Harper

The town of Kiewarra, somewhere in rural south-eastern Australia, is a community on the brink. A drought is making life extremely difficult for the locals. So nobody is really surprised when farmer Luke Hadler is found with a self-inflicted shotgun wound, his wife and eldest son…
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Up the creek without a pistol

On the Radar — The new year is in full swing and 12 January is a big day for crime fiction releases. Our first news report of 2017 brings you nine books to consider, starting with white water rafting in Maine and concluding with nine…
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