Book Club

A Dark and Twisted Tide

This seventh outing for Lacey Flint and Mark Joesbury finds the former Met Detective looking for a quieter life as she finds her feet as a member of the Metropolitan Police’s Marine Unit. Some chance of that after an early morning wild swim in the…
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Events: an Autumn of crime

If you missed the annual summer pilgrimage to Harrogate for the Theakstons Old Peculiar Crime Writing Festival, fear not. Autumn has a bumper crop of crime author events from bookshop appearances to major festivals. Appropriately for a former rock star (in Norway, that is), Jo…
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Malice, murder and blind justice

On the radar – This week’s book report brings you the usual mixed bag of contenders for your TBR pile, and highlights include the return of Scandinavian crime fiction star Henning Mankell, as well as a creepy new serial killer release from SJ Bolton. Or,…
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Milo's crime picks for April

At the end of each month we invite our friend and guest columnist Miles, creator of the blog Milo’s Rambles, to share his favourite new crime reads with us. Miles is a book fiend just like everyone here on Crime Fiction Lover, and always comes…
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