
Death Zones by Simon Pasternak

Translated by Martin Aitken — This bleak novel is set towards the end of World War II, as the Nazi offensive in Russia stalls amidst terrible fighting and enormous military and civilian casualties. SS Oberleutnant Heinrich Hoffman is a detective with the German police in…
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Steps to Heaven

Written by Wendy Cartmel — A soldier sharpens his knife on a whetstone. He says a silent prayer to his God. And then he commits an act of appalling savagery. But this is not Afghanistan, or Iraq. It is the garrison town of Aldershot. Sergeant…
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The Dead of Mametz

Written by Jonathan Hicks — July 1916, northern France. After 22 months of a war that was meant to be over before its first Christmas, British forces are poised to push the German invaders off the Somme ridges and drive them back whence they came….
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