Book Club

Tapping the Source

Surf noir’s up, brah! No Exit Press has reprinted Kem Nunn’s classic California coming of age novel and although it first came out in 1983 we can’t keep it off our Recommended list. This is a must-read piece of American literature, which sees 17-year-old Ike…
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Tapping the Source

Written by Kem Nunn — In the 1960s, it seemed that running away from home in a deadbeat town or suburb to live communally with the hippies in Haight-Ashbury was an ideal for many American youths. In the 80s, runaways were perhaps a bit less…
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A body in the Highlands

On the Radar — Crime fiction is great. It can take you to just about any setting. So if you want to relish the Scottish Highlands, you can grab Val McDermid’s new Karen Pirie novel. But if you want to catch a wave, maybe the…
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Robert Langdon's return

On the Radar — Are you ready for more cryptic symbology puzzles clothed in fast paced thriller? Well Dan Brown is back with another adventure for his Da Vinci Code hero Robert Langdon. In this week’s new books we also bring you the book of…
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Mañana by William Hjortsberg

Sometime between the 1968 assassination of Martin Luther King in Memphis and the murder of Meredith Hunter by Hells Angels at the Altamont Free Concert in 1969, the hippy dream died. Free love, civil rights, and gender equality all took a beating and the naïve…
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