Tag – You're Dead
Written by Douglas Skelton — Former journalist, ex-drug addict, current private eye and perennial trouble-magnet Dominic Queste was first introduced to readers last year in The Dead Don’t Boogie, which earned five stars on this site and won praise far and wide. He proved an entertaining companion…
The Red Road
Written by Denise Mina, narrated by Cathleen McCarron — Denise Mina has earned her place among Scotland’s most distinguished authors. This award-winning novel about the long, entangling tails of murder has its beginning in Glasgow in 1997, when a young boy is accused, convicted, and imprisoned…
The Long Drop
Denise Mina rolls up her sleeves and flexes her literary muscles in this atmospheric crime tale set in 1950s Glasgow. Based, somewhat loosely, on real events it focuses on two men and a notorious murder trial. William Watt is an ambitious businessman and Peter Manuel…
A tale that begins with a neat pile of clothes at the side of a busy Glasgow railway track doesn’t sound all that promising, does it? But in the talented hands of Craig Robertson that abandoned clobber marks the start of a darkly disturbing, gut…
Written by Craig Robertson — Many of us had a hobby when we were children. Stamp collecting perhaps? Stock-piling beer mats? These days they go mad for Pokemon – gotta catch them all! Those old collections may well have been consigned to the charity shop, the…