
Hokuloa Road by Elizabeth Hand

Maine-based author Elizabeth Hand writes widely across the crime fiction and dark fantasy genres. With her crime novels we’ve grown used to cold climate settings, and the Cass Neary series has taken readers from New England to Iceland, across the UK and over to Sweden….
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Wylding Hall by Elizabeth Hand

Having received 5-star reviews on CFL for her crime novels featuring rock photographer and noir anti-hero Cass Neary, a new release from US author Elizabeth Hand is always worth investigating. Wylding Hall also features photography as part of its plot, while music is integral to…
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The Corpse Bridge by Stephen Booth

The Corpse Bridge marks the 14th outing in this Derbyshire set police procedural series featuring detective duo Ben Cooper and Diane Fry. Despite my preference for the more gritty or psychologically dark purveyors of crime fiction, this is a series that has remained firmly on…
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Book Club

Available Dark

Cass Neary exists on the edge of society. She received critical acclaim for her book of photography Dead Girls early on in life but after splitting with her muse and lover Quinn O’Boyle, she has been drifting. She’s now into early middle age and is…
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