
Written in Bones

Written by James Oswald — When the body of a man is discovered in Edinburgh parkland called The Meadows, Detective Inspector Tony McLean is called in to solve the puzzle. Because nothing is ordinary about the case central to James Oswald’s seventh DI McLean novel, Written in…
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Modern Crimes

Written by Chris Nickson — No author has used the city of Leeds as a backdrop for crime stories so profoundly as Chris Nickson. From Richard Nottingham‘s cases set in the 1730s through to Dan Markham in the 1950s, his love and knowledge of the…
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Mister Memory

Written by Marcus Sedgwick — Probably better known for his books aimed at children and young adults, Marcus Sedgwick has been shortlisted on several occasions for the Carnegie Medal, a British literary award that recognises outstanding authors for that audience. In 2003, he was shortlisted for…
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Ping-Pong Heart

Written by Martin Limon — The author returns to his long-running series set in South Korea in the aftermath of the Korean War. The series is now reached the early 1970s, nearly two decades on from the end of the war. He provides us with another clever…
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The Panama Papers in crime fiction

Yes, these are taxing times for the super-wealthy – particularly those of them in public office – who are finding out that the rest of us would rather they did their bit. The release of the Panama Papers also provides a delicious moment for financial…
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Black Holes by He Jiahong

Translated by Emily Jones — We have an unusual little gem for you today: crime fiction set in the rapidly-changing China of the mid-1990s and written by an author who is one of China’s foremost authorities on criminal justice and a professor of law at…
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False Nine by Philip Kerr

Philip Kerr’s  Bernie Gunther novels are wonderfully written, tense historical mysteries with the perfect amount of historical research, and unlike most series they just seem to be getting better. The Lady From Zagreb, released earlier this year, is possibly Philip Kerr’s best novel so far….
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