
Tastes Like Fear? It is fear!

On the Radar — Sarah Hilary is one of the rising stars of British crime fiction and returns with a new Marnie Rome mystery for us, while CL Taylor’s latest chilling domestic noir lands this week as well. There are also six other very different crime…
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Book Club

The Lie

CL Taylor’s 2014 novel The Accident won a five star review right here on Crime Fiction Lover and its successor should appeal to those who like their mysteries spiced with a dark psychological edge. After an ill-fated trip to Nepal, which culminates in a disturbing encounter…
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The Lie by CL Taylor

There are so many crime fiction book series these days that it’s refreshing to come across an author who likes writing one-off psychological thrillers. The Lie is CL Taylor’s second novel, and is a book that will grab you from the very first sentence, never…
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It's all lies!

On the Radar — Well, our headline today could be referring to the manifestos unveiled this week by Britain’s main political parties as we head towards the General Election, but actually what we’re pointing to is a hot new release by psychological crime fiction’s rising star,…
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I think I need to lie down...

On the Radar — So many fascinating crime books are being released at the moment, we wouldn’t blame you if you felt the need to lie down. Our reviewers certainly feel that way at the moment. The publishing industry is a veritable Gatling gun spraying…
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