
iDoyle: A Scandal in Bohemia

Written by Arthur Conan Doyle, developed by iClassics Collection — The enhanced reading experience has never really caught on – not compared to plain old books or Kindle ones – but this production might go some way to addressing that. With atmospheric illustrations, touches of…
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CIS: My classics by Ruth Ware

Take one hen party containing some women with very different personalities, add in varying degrees of closeness and inclusivity, layer with a few dark secrets, and you have author Ruth Ware’s debut novel In a Dark, Dark Wood which came out earlier this year. The tagline…
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CIS: My classics by Gunnar Staalesen

Tell you what… it’s a real honour to have Norway’s Gunnar Staalesen here on the site during Classics in September. He’s regarded as one of the father’s of Scandinavian crime fiction and his debut was way back in 1977 with Seasons of Innocence. It was…
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