
Lucy: Top five books of 2013

2013 has been a great year for crime fiction with some excellent new talent coming onto the scene. Because of this I found it particularly difficult to pick my favourite crime books of the year. All five on my list have enough quality to be…
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An Act of Kindness

Written by Barbara Nadel — Set in East London, An Act of Kindness sees PI Lee Arnold and his assistant Mumtaz Hakim struggling for work. It’s 2012 and Olympics fever is in the air. Lee has been hired by an old school gangster to investigate…
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A summertime of crime

On The Radar — Summer has finally arrived and what better way to enjoy the heatwave we’ve been promised, than with an ice cold jug of Pimms and some of the latest crime fiction currently on offer. Amongst our latest new releases are the return of…
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