
The Carrier

Written by Sophie Hannah — When I read Sophie Hannah’s first novel, Little Face, I was shocked and amazed. It was as though the author had rummaged around in the deepest, darkest recesses of my mind, and unearthed all the items I try to keep well-hidden,…
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Blood Money

Written by Doug Richardson — This author’s background is in writing screenplays, and among the films he’s worked on are some big pictures including Die Hard 2, Bad Boys and, most recently, Hostage. To date, these pictures have grossed over $800 million worldwide. In 1997 Richardson’s debut novel Dark…
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Edited by Crime Factory Publications – In the annals of movie tough guys, few stand equal with Lee Marvin. Winner of an Oscar in 1965 for Cat Ballou, a comedic western, Marvin was a more versatile actor than most remember. But it’s a good thing for…
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The Woman Who Wouldn’t Die

Written by Colin Cotterill — The setting is Vientiane, Laos in the late 1970s. The country’s only coroner, Dr Siri Paiboun, now retired, is recalled to oversee the search for the body of the brother of a high-ranking minister. This was initiated when the corpse’s location…
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The Ghost Riders of Ordebec

Written by Fred Vargas — A new Fred Vargas novel is always a happy event for her legions of admirers, whether in the original French or translated into English, and she has won the CWA International Dagger three times. She is not as prolific as other…
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Stark Contrasts

Written by Peter Carroll — Have you ever wanted to snatch the iPod away from that youth in the next seat on the train, and fling it the length of the carriage? When you were sitting in the restaurant, deafened by the City wide boy…
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Hard Bite

Written by Anonymous-9 — Dean Drayhart is a paraplegic. He’s also a killer. A hit-and-run driver took his family from him and left him crippled, and he’s made it his mission to hunt down hit-and-run culprits and punish them for their crimes, in a very…
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