
First look: Crime Scene magazine issue 2

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The second issue of the quarterly magazine Crime Scene has landed on newsstands up and down the UK, and is hopefully with its subscribers as well. The big focus this time is on Scandinavian crime TV, with a major feature on The Bridge and one on Kenneth Branagh’s Wallander as well. Series four is in production. The magazine comes in two flavours to reflect this – you can get the Sofia Helin cover (which is our choice and is shown above) or a Branagh version. Perhaps the most interesting thing for lovers of Scandinavian crime TV is a two-pager on an interesting looking Icelandic show called Trapped written by editor-in-chief David Bradley. Hope to see that on UK television sometime soon…

CrimeScene2_branagh_200Speaking of TV, there’s an abundance of further articles about crime on the box. River featured in issue one and gets another run out here, and there are pieces on Sherlock, Fargo season two, Endeavour and Borgen (is that a crime show?). If you like Luther, you’ll love Andre Paine‘s interview with its star Idris Elba.

For crime fiction readers, there’s an interview with US megaseller David Baldacci (see below) and our very own Andre Paine is on hand again as he talks to Martine Cole about her books. Films – not so many this time, though there’s a great article on Room, based on Emma Donoghue’s 2010 novel of the same title.

Among the book reviews we find titles by Robert Galbraith, James Patterson, Ruth Rendell, Patricia Cornwell, David Lagercrantz and Jo Nesbo, among others. The magazine is on sale for £8 and you can subscribe or order one online here. Have a look below for more pictures and commentary on the magazine.

Fargo. There’s a character guide and a two-page feature talking to Noah Hawley, plus this powerful opener.

Interesting piece looking back at the classic Murder in the Rue Morgue, which has inspired so many later crime novels.

Professor Plum. Here’s a nice touch – a feature on crime-based boardgames.

Andre Paine reviews Ruth Rendell’s final novel and David Mark’s upcoming release on this spread.

Crime Fiction Lover delivers the best of the rest.

David Baldacci explains that two Patricias inspired him – Highsmith and Cornwell.

Another look at the cover, with metallic blue fifth colour used for the masthead and headline.

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