Back in 2013, we reported that Norwegian author Jo Nesbo was working on a new novel called Blood on Snow under the pseudonym Tom Johansen. Well, turns out he’s chosen to release the book under his own name after all, and a copy has arrived here at CFL HQ. Cue huge excitement because, as you know, at Crime Fiction Lover we do adore a bit of Scandinavian crime fiction.
After a quick scan of the synopsis, it seems as if Blood on Snow will have much more of a noir feel to it than the Harry Hole series for which Jo Nesbo has become famous. The story is about Olav, an Oslo-based ‘fixer’. No, not the sort of ‘fixer’ who gets rich footballers into the right nightclubs, or brings them pizzas in the middle of the night. Olav fixes people. Fixes them for good. It’s a lonely profession, but he has found someone to get close to. Trouble is, she’s his boss’s wife and Olav has been instructed to kill her.
The other reason I’d hazard that this is more of a noir novel than anything Nesbo has written before is that in true pulp style it’s pretty short. Even at 200 pages the text is double spaced in this proof copy and I bet Jo Nesbo fans will zip through it in an afternoon. The word is that Warner Bros has optioned Blood on Snow for a movie, and that Leonardo DiCaprio may be interested in it.
Blood on Snow is released 9 April as a hardback and for Kindle. To find out more about Jo Nesbo’s Harry Hole series, click here. Scroll down to see a couple more photos of this new book.

A massive Norwegian Jo Nesbø fan, I just cannot wait to read the latest offering from this massive Norwegian talent. I am also keen to get an introduction into the pool of translators of Norwegian so-called Nordic Noir books. Any suggestions?
excited excited excited. Soooo looking forward to sticking my nose into these pages. Loved all of the Harry Hole series; the son; Headhunters; and even my son loves Dr Proctor’s fart powder. Making room on the book shelf now.