Crime Fiction Lover

Get a free ebook from Caffeine Nights

Today we got an email from the independent crime publisher Caffeine Nights, and it had a pretty tasty Christmas offer inside that you too can take advantage of. The company is giving everyone who has subscribed to its email newsletter their choice of a free ebook from their digital bookshelf.

If you’re already a subscriber to their newsletter, you’ll have seen the email we received. However, if you’re not you can head to their site, sign up on the right hand side of the homepage. Then, send an email to Caffeine Nights at info (at) stating the title of the book you want to order and the format you want it in. You’ll receive the book by email to install on your device and you can start reading.

The offer ends at midnight on Christmas Eve and some of the titles you can choose from include Dark Country by Darren Laws, We Still Kill the Old Way by Nick Oldham, and The Guns of Brixton by Paul D Brazill. There are many more available so browse the bookshop before deciding.

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