
Canada's Arthur Ellis Awards 2015

A few days ago at the Arts and Letters Club in Toronto, Canada celebrated its finest crime authors with the annual Arthur Ellis Awards. It’s a set of gongs given out by The Crime Writers of Canada and is named after the pseudonym used by…
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Snowblind by Ragnar Jónasson

Translated by Quentin Bates — What expectations do you find yourself harbouring when you pick up a Scandinavian crime novel? Nordic noir is the term that comes to mind. Cold, dark winters, sombre landscapes, a lonely male detective and a plot throbbing with despair and…
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A Shadowed Livery by Charlie Garratt

Autumn, 1938. Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, who is the MP for Edgebaston in Birmingham, has just returned from Munich clutching a piece of paper which, he proclaims, promises peace in our time. Meanwhile, in another part of Birmingham, Detective Inspector James Given watches, ashen faced,…
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Summerchill by Quentin Bates

What do you do if you’re a Scandibrit writer and you’re told that  Scandinavian crime stories always seem to take place in the winter months? Well, if you’re Quentin Bates, you decide to set your next book during the height of summer. That all too…
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