Were you left confused and befuddled by the ending of Phantom, the latest Harry Hole novel by Jo Nesbo? It ends rather ambiguously, with more than a hint that it might be the last Harry Hole novel. Well, fans of the series can rejoice because today Harvill Secker has announced Police, the 10th Harry Hole novel and the story takes up where Phantom left off.
Nesbo was in London two weeks ago for the Crime Thriller Awards, and was inducted into the Crime Fiction Hall of Fame, joining the likes of Agatha Christie, Val McDermid, PD James and Arthur Conan Doyle. Harry Hole’s life is somewhat less glorious and in Police we’ll find out what happened after he solved the murder of a junkie in Oslo and busted a Russian drugs ring that dragged in senior policemen. The new book will arrive in autumn next year and in it Hole will be trying to solve a series of murders in Oslo that appear to mimic previous unsolved cases.
For those addicted to Nesbo’s rough and tumble, recovering alcoholic cop, there’s even more good news. Shortly after Police comes out, Harvill Secker will also be releasing Cockroaches. This is the only remaining Harry Hole novel yet to be translated into English, and follows on from the very first Harry Hole novel The Bat. In Cockroaches – originally entitled Kakerlakkene – he’ll be in Thailand trying to solve the murder of the Norwegian ambassador to the country. We’d venture that the sleazy side of Bangkok will come into play somewhere along the line and throw Hole off course.
So far Jo Nesbo has sold over 15 million Harry Hole books worldwide, including three million in the UK. The books have been translated into 45 languages. Phantom reached number two on The Times bestseller list and stayed in the top 10 for seven weeks. Click here to read our comprehensive guide to the Harry Hole books.
Update: read our review of the latest Harry Hole novel, Police, right here.
Below is a video of Jo Nesbo talking about Cockroaches found on YouTube:
Sooo relieved Harry will live. He’s the alley cat with nine lives : street smart and battle worn. You can’t stop cheering for him
I was certain that Harry was dead because I recently read that Nesbo said that, at some time in the future, he would end the Harry Hole series and that Harry would never be resurrected.
Main point, it’s a relief that it isn’t time yet.
Thank God! After reading Phantom I I was in mourning for Harry Hole…so glad he is still around for another book.
i was crying my heart out after reading the book. i thought he was dead and i found this article. thank God. i sure hope Harry ends up with Rakel someday. he needs his own happiness as well.
I agree, it would be unwise to kill off an amazing character like Harry Hole. I know that Stephen Leather has many regrets about killing off one of his brilliant characters.So, Jo Nesbo should think long and hard about that decision.
Thank you! I just finished Phantom and was worried!
Thank GOD!!!!!
How boring life would be with out Jo Nesbo and Harry Hole
Omg! Just finished Phantom and refused to believe Jo Nesbo killed Harry Hole….so happy google exists and confirmed Harry Hole lives on. As a romantic, when the series does end, I hope Harry ends up with Rakel alive!
So this crime fiction lover made a schoolboy error….. Picking up the first Nesbo book (Phantom) someone suggested. No research, etc very silly, I have been ADDICTED to his clever style and Harry Holes character since the first chapter ! Glad to hear he won’t die …. So relieved ! Just finished Redbreast on holidays….. Exceptional !
Hi Kris – I don’t think that’s such a big mistake. They’re all good. Maybe too much emphasis is put on reading series in order, I think…
With the books being released out of order in the U.S., we have to read them that way. I’m reading The Redeemer now, and am enjoying going back in time in Harry’s life. When I last visited Harry, at the end of Phantom, things weren’t going so well for our hero! Can’t wait for the new book….
Having a severe case of OCD, I would’ve preferred reading the books here in the USA in chronological order, so I’m afraid I’ll read Police and Cockroaches one after the other. I don’t care. The reason is that Nesbø’s writing is so entertaining, I’m willing to overlook my nuances as long as I can enjoy the mess that H Hole is…definitely my favorite entertainment, reading these novels. I hope Hole dies after I can’t read any more
What a relief, Harry alive… I can’t wait for the next book…
Totally made up Harry is alive-I argued with so many people that Jo Nesbo wouldn’t neglect tying up all those loose ends from Phantom and there was a pulse after all-can’t wait for this book.
I knew that HH would come back, when
at the end (Phantom) it was mentioned that H ‘s heart was still beating. Read all your books, waiting for the next ones, due in Canada Sept 17 and and Dec. 10, Jo Nesbo is a terrific story teller.
Ottawa, August 3, 2013
Had the privilege of actually meeting Jo Nesbo albeit just for a minute or so yesterday afternoon at Waterstones bookstore in Glasgow where he was signing copies of his latest Harry Hole thriller “Police”.
Needless to say i got my copy signed and rushed home to read it and after several hours both yesterday and today have just finished it and all i can say is Wow.
I have loved all his Harry Hole books and some like the Snowman have just been so amazing in tension,plot twists,magician like misdirection and in sheer drama and human emotion but this latest one has to be right at the top of the list.It has all the qualities i have just mentioned and more and i can assure you there are some moments that will have your heart pounding,pulse racing ,others which will just leave you numbed with horror and shock and a few others which you will never see coming.
Another Jo Nesbo/Harry Hole masterpiece
When will police be out in paperback ?
We don’t have a date for that yet, but there is a large print US-cover paperback coming out 15 October according to Amazon.
Wow, just finished Police , I just sat and stayed at the back cover thanking Jo Nesbo for keeping dear Harry Hole alive, what a man. My first read was The Snowman and been hooked on Harry ever since, now going back to read all the first ones started with The Bat and waiting to get Cochroaches. Can’t say what a brilliant read they all are.
Never thought for a minute Harry was dead ….the rat notices a heartbeat ….cue a return
Love, love Harry. Want him to live a longer life!! Need next book after Police!!
Can’the wait to see what happens in
POLICE. I was pretty stressed out
When I finished Phantom
So glad I found out he isn’t dead. I’ve been a tad perturbed. Need to get police now