
Evil Eye by Joyce Carol Oates

An acclaimed novelist, short story writer, poet, essayist, and literary critic, Joyce Carol Oates was once dubbed ‘the dark lady of American letters’. In her 50-year career, she’s often been drawn to violent characters and harrowing subjects. Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?,…
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Book Club


If you are amused by cruel humour, then a word to the wise – don’t read this book on the bus or the train, as you will be reduced to fits of giggles. Main character Dyson Devereux is an acerbic and savage commentator on the…
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Necropolis by Guy Portman

Dyson Devereux is Head of Burials and Cemeteries for the local council of a fictional town in Essex, England. He has risen without trace, mainly due to the demise of his predecessor, whose funeral and cremation he helped organise. Dyson is immensely vain, impossibly handsome,…
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