
Bad memories, good books

On the Radar — This week our new books column brings you the latest in David Baldacci’s Amos Decker series, a non-fiction survey of the best historical crime fiction by expert Barry Forshaw, plus a trip to Italy. We’ve also got a good selection of…
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Hustle by Tom Pitts

Donny and Big Rich are male prostitutes in San Francisco’s Tenderloin district. Their lives revolve around getting high. Heroin is what they are addicted to, but if they can’t get that then crack or meth is better than nothing. It means never looking beyond the…
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Death is death, is death...

On the Radar — Death is death, is death, is death. It can happen in Restoration England, the frozen tundra of northern Sweden, a humid tar-paper shack in North Carolina, or on one of the Royal Navy’s finest ships. Someone dies and, thank goodness, the…
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RoughJustice: Top five books of 2013

For every great book that receives attention on a list like this, another two or three miss out. Tom Piccirilli (The Last Whisper in the Dark) and Jake Hinkson (The Posthumous Man) just miss out for the second year in a row, while Brother Kemal…
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The Rapist

Written by Les Edgerton — Les Edgerton has written several acclaimed hardboiled crime novels and instructional books for writers, as well as teaching creative writing at the university level. But it’s inevitably his colourful past that interests me most. Back in his younger days he…
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Scene of the crime writing

As a reader, I’ve always been really interested in the ‘behind the scenes’ side of writing. I always wondered where the words which came to life from the page originated. During interviews for my Guilty Conscience site, I’ve always asked: writers the same two questions:…
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