
With Fury in Hand by Lee Thompson

Lee Thompson likes to place his noir stories in a family setting. In his debut crime novel, A Beautiful Madness, the author explored a family’s attempts to understand an uncharacteristic moment of violence perpetrated by their patriarch, a previously stable and upstanding man. It’s a…
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It's Only Death by Lee Thompson

The author’s debut crime novel, A Beautiful Madness, ended up making it into my top five books of 2014. Despite only getting four stars at review, the masterful noir styling, a remarkable killer, and best of all the skilful unpeeling of a family’s secrets kept…
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Rough Justice: Top five books of 2014

Trying to decipher trends that have arisen from the year just ended is always difficult. Though I read a lot, I don’t read everything by any means, and many good books might have escaped me. But what I can say is that there were many…
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A Beautiful Madness by Lee Thompson

Lee Thompson has previously written horror, but A Beautiful Madness is his first crime book. It has a classic noir set-up with a dysfunctional family whose dirty secrets refuse to stay buried despite everyone’s best efforts. The themes reminded me of Tom Piccirilli (The Last…
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Interview: Lee Thompson

When A Beautiful Madness is published by DarkFuse on 5 August, readers will be able to discover new voice on the noir and hardboiled scene. Lee Thompson’s first crime novel opens with the discovery of a dead body on the front lawn of a former…
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