
The Jealous Kind

Written by James Lee Burke — In this latest stand alone novel, one of America’s most celebrated crime fiction novelists transports us back to 1950s Houston. Many who reminisce love to believe that this decade was a golden period in American history. World War II was over, the economy…
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Sunset City by Melissa Ginsburg

In poet Melissa Ginsburg’s debut crime novel, her home town of Houston becomes as much a character as the protagonist, Charlotte Ford, a young woman in her early 20s. Houston’s suffocating heat and dark corners, its breakneck freeways, its seedy bars and lush suburbs –…
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Pleasantville by Attica Locke

We’ve come to expect politics to play a part in Attica Locke’s intelligent thrillers. The author was one of our Women to Watch in 2013 and Pleasantville is her third book, set in the midst of a hard-fought election in 1996 in Houston, Texas. It’s…
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Resurrection Express

Written by Stephen Romano – Horror scribe Stephen Romano makes his crime fiction debut in the sci-fi tinged thriller Resurrection Express. Romano makes the transition with aplomb – and how. The author’s ability to write horrific violence and monstrous evil are on display, and the…
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