
Marshes, monkeys, kings and assassins...

On the Radar — Can’t wait to tuck into Karen Dionne’s novel, The Marsh King’s Daughter. It’s said to be like Room in that the main character was born in captivity. Claustrophobic. And it’s said to be like The Revenant on account of it involving…
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Murder in Pigalle by Cara Black

I discovered Cara Black’s feisty Parisian heroine Aimée Leduc after my first stint of living in France, when I was back home and longing for my morning croissant at my neighbourhood café. So, from personal experience, I can confirm that this series is perfect for…
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Questions are being asked

On the Radar — We’ll start this week with Laura Lippman’s latest release in which old crimes are unravelled after four decades when, finally, someone starts asking the right questions. There’s a return to Hull with David Mark, and Chris Pavone follows up his hit…
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