
On the Radar: Beware the Zamboni driver

This is a first. A Zamboni driver accused of murder is something we’ve never seen before but veteran crime fiction author Bryan Gruley has dreamed it up for his latest mystery. Bitterfrost is the first of six novels in this week’s crime fiction roundup, which…
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Book Club

Bleak Harbor

That ol’ chestnut, the missing teenager plotline, has been rolled out again but prepare for something a bit different in this stand alone tale from Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist turned author Bryan Gruley. Autistic 15-year-old Danny has gone missing from his home in Bleak Harbor, Michigan…
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DeathBecomesHer: Top five books of 2018

This year’s reviewing has unearthed an embarrassment of riches. You know you’ve been in a race when the also-rans include crime fiction writers like Robert Galbraith, Elizabeth George, Sharon Bolton and David Mark. So you’ll gather that it was tough to pick my top five…
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Bleak Harbor

Written by Bryan Gruley — A teenager goes missing and his family are in bits. Could be the summary of a number of this year’s releases, couldn’t it? Fear not, because Bleak Harbor is about to bring something new to the party. Danny is 15…
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