
The Tokyo Zodiac Murders by Soji Shimada

Translated by Ross and Shika Mackenzie — Author Soji Shimada, whose groundbreaking 1981 novel has recently been translated afresh by Pushkin Press, is considered the godfather of the Shin-honkaku school of crime fiction in Japan. He inspired the New Orthodox group that aimed to return mystery fiction in…
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Interview: Lesley Thomson

Lesley Thomson burst onto the literary scene with her breakthrough novel, A Kind of Vanishing, which won the People’s Book prize in 2010. She has since gone on to write two novels featuring accidental detective Stella Darnell – The Detective’s Daughter and Ghost Girl. Set…
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A Thief in the Night by Stephen Wade

Or to give it its full title, A Thief in the Night And Other Adventures of the Septimus Society. By day, Stephen Wade, is a part-time lecturer in creative writing at the University of Hull. He’s also a freelance writer and historian, specialising in crime…
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