Crime Fiction Lover

Look who’s writing for us XII

A black bird approaches. It must be an omen! A sign! A sign that Crime Fiction Lover is about to get even better. Yes, folks, today we’re announcing a new recruit to our team. Say hello to Raven, a fellow lover of crime fiction, who’s joined us and will soon be posting her first review. She’s also planing to write a few features for us on classic crime novels, so watch for those as well.

Raven is based in the UK, and by day works as a bookseller. Her spare time is spent devouring crime fiction (although she admits to enjoying other genres too, sometimes). Some of her recent reading has included Simon Beckett, Wiley Cash, Dominique Sylvain and Hans Koppel. She enjoys novels from all round the world, and has her, um… talons… right on the pulse of the crime genre. You can follow Raven on Twitter, and also visit her blog at Raven Crime Reads. Please join us in welcoming her to the team.

MyBookishWays is back
And this news item just gets better and better, because after a hiatus from the site, MyBookishWays has rejoined us. Based in Texas, she’s got a pile of crime and mystery books sitting just to her right and she’s already started reviewing them. Her latest review is A Commonplace Killing, and we are very excited to have her back.

A couple of farewells
Sadly, we’re going to be saying goodbye to LoiteringWithIntent (aka Eva Dolan). In case you hadn’t heard, Eva’s first crime novel has just been released and she’s now focusing on promoting it and writing her second. You can read our review of Long Way Home here. At the same time, PulpCurry (aka Andrew Nette) is also stepping back from Crime Fiction Lover, for similar reasons. We wish both of them every success, and send them huge gratitude for their contributions to the site. And, who knows, maybe they’ll be back one day…

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