Crime Fiction Lover

CIS: What’s your top classic crime book?

Your ClassicDuring the month of September, we’re celebrating classic crime fiction in all its forms and we’ve already published several articles about various books and authors. But we don’t just want to tell you what we think the classics are. We’d love to know what you think too. So we’re welcoming readers of Crime Fiction Lover to nominate their favourite classic crime novels.

It’s easy to take part. All you need to do is choose your classic, and send us an email headed My Crime Classic. State the book’s title and author, along with 100 words on why it’s your favourite piece of classic crime fiction. Then, as Classics in September rolls on, we’ll post as many submissions as we can here on Crime Fiction Lover. Send us a link too, if you have a website or a blog that you want to tell our readers about.

Yesterday, someone asked how we define a classic. Well, we’re not going to put up any restrictions. If you think the book you’ve chosen is a classic, tell us why in your 100 words, and if your justification seems sound we’ll roll with it. This is going to be a fun exercise, not an academic one!

Here’s the email address: info [at] crimefictionlover [dot] com. Just substitute the [at] with @ and the [dot] with a full-stop. We’ve written it this way to cut down on spam.

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