
NTN: Val McDermid tips the new wave of crime writing talent

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Scottish author Val McDermid is one of Britain’s finest crime fiction authors and not only has she produced a veritable library of books to prove it, but she has a full trophy cabinet to back the accolade. So as part of New Talent November 2012 we decided to ask her which new author’s she’s tipping for greatness. Here are the three authors she’s tipping for big things…

David Mark – The Dark Winter
“Bright new talent whose first novel, The Dark Winter, is set in Hull,” she explains. “Engaging cop protagonist, sparkling writing and a real feel for storytelling. The Dark Winter sold more copies than any other title at last year’s Harrogate Crime Writing Festival.”
Great minds think alike it seems because The Dark Winter is on our reviews pile, and during New Talent November our writer DeathBecomesHer willl be bringing you her thoughts on the book.
Buy now on Amazon

MJ McGrath – White Heat
About this one Val McDermid says: “The exotic setting of the Canadian High Arctic gave her debut, White Heat, a distinctive flavour. Richly realised, it’s a gripping story that hinges on the collision of two very different ways of life, and features an Inuit hunter/guide as protagonist.”
What a great find. We’ve taken McDermid’s advice and downloaded this for Kindle – it’s only £1 at the moment – and we’ll do our best to bring you a review very soon.
Buy now on Amazon

Kate Rhodes – Crossbones Yard
“What I liked most about Crossbones Yard was the fresh voice of the protagonist, a psychologist whose work with vulnerable patients spills over into her family life. Rhodes conjures up her London landscape vividly and handles her serial killer plot competently,” says McDermid.
Again we go back to that good old cliché about great minds – MarinaSofia agrees and included this author in our Women to watch in 2013 article here as part of New Talent November.
Buy now on Amazon

We thank Val McDermid for taking the time to share her thoughts with us. You can read our review of her latest book, The Vanishing Point by clicking here. And if you’re in London or its environs on 15 November, you can hear her talk about the book and her career in crime writing thanks to Dulwich Books who are hosting a dinner with the author. For more information click here.


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