
Slow Down by Lee Matthew Goldberg

November might be long gone, but here at Crime Fiction Lover we continue to bring you the latest indie releases long after our annual New Talent November event. New Pulp Press, no respecters of genre boundaries, is publishing Lee Matthew Goldberg’s debut novel. Noah Spaeth…
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NTN: Ed Kurtz interviewed

Today we talk to Ed Kurtz, whose novels The Forty-Two, Freight and Angel of the Abyss, represent some of the best indie crime fiction written this year. We’ve reviewed the latter two recently on the site and they both scored five stars. Kurtz’s stories combine…
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Factory Town by Jon Bassoff

Author Jon Bassoff is well known on the pulp scene as the founder of indie publisher New Pulp Press, though he’s recently sold the firm. Anyone familiar with their releases will not expect Bassoff to stick rigidly to genre conventions. Indeed, Factory Town walks the line between…
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NTN: Interview with CJ Howell

Last month, indie publishing outfit New Pulp Press released The Last of the Smoking Bartenders by CJ Howell. It’s an intense and incendiary story about a drifter called Tom who’s actually an agent – deep undercover – out to foil a terrorist plot to blow…
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