
Marked for Life by Emelie Schepp

Nothing seems to ruffle Jana Berzelius, the cool and collected public prosecutor based in the Swedish municipality of Norrköping. With her formal manner and never a hair out of place, she’s the consummate professional who commands respect. So it’s no surprise when she’s called in…
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Book Club

A Dark Redemption

This was LoiteringWithIntent‘s favourite crime book of 2012. She wrote: “Back in February I picked up a copy of A Dark Redemption and before I was 50 pages in I knew it would make my top five list. By the end I knew it would be at…
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Book Club

A Dark Redemption

In London a Ugandan student, Grace Okello, is savagely murdered. She’s been raped and tortured, her heart cut from her body. The initial assumption that this is just another sex crime doesn’t sit well with DI Jack Carrigan, but he’s getting pressure from above to…
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A Dark Redemption

Written by Stav Sherez — Unless you’ve been in solitary confinement for the last week you’ll be well aware of the campaign against Joseph Kony, leader of The Lords Resistance Army and recruiter of child soldiers – recruit as in kidnap children, force them to…
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