
A gazetteer of British crime: East Anglia

Oh, you can complain about the weather, the food, the accommodation and the service. Fair enough. Our country has exported everything from stiff upper lips to football hooliganism. But what you can’t complain about in the UK is the sheer variety in its regions and customs….
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At Death's Window

Written by Jim Kelly — Conflicts between criminals tend to be called ‘wars’. Thus we have turf wars, drug wars, and even scraps between rival ice cream vendors which are known as ice cream wars. But here we have a first. In At Death’s Window…
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Dealing in seaweed

On the Radar — It is to Jim Kelly that we owe our eccentric headline this week. In his upcoming release At Death’s Window, we’ll be treated to a scenario where drug dealers muscle in on the samphire market. Never before, to our knowledge, has…
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