
The Keeper

Written by Alastair Gunn — DCI Antonia Hawkins is thrown into her next case when the body of a man is found by some metal detectorists. He is buried on the edge of a remote piece of woodland and is completely naked. He was beaten before his…
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Lucy: Top five books of 2013

2013 has been a great year for crime fiction with some excellent new talent coming onto the scene. Because of this I found it particularly difficult to pick my favourite crime books of the year. All five on my list have enough quality to be…
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The Advent Killer by Alastair Gunn

With Advent coming to a close we thought it was only appropriate to review The Advent Killer, the debut thriller from experienced British magazine journalist Alastair Gunn. (You can read our interview with the author here.) The novel introduces us to his new protagonist DCI…
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NTN: Interview with Alastair Gunn

Feeling a bit cynical about the run-up to Christmas? The constant battering of the eardrums with boughs of holly, the jingle of bells that makes the hair on your neck stand on end because it’s only November still? Alastair Gunn’s debut novel The Advent Killer…
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