
Ocean Drive by Sam Wiebe

Canadian author Sam Wiebe is a master of gritty noir, and Ocean Drive hit the bestsellers list in British Columbia before it launched in Canada earlier this year. This will be no surprise to anyone who’s read the Dave Wakeland series. Ocean Drive is a…
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Prey by Vanda Symon

A new Sam Shephard book from Vanda Symon always creates a buzz of excitement for fans of the New Zealand author, and Prey is sixth in the series. Here, Shephard will investigate a cold case – the murder of Reverend Mark Freeman, a highly regarded…
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Witness 8 by Steve Cavanagh

Eddie Flynn, the fictional conman turned lawyer, is back. Prizewinning author, Steve Cavanagh has added an eighth book to this popular series and, coincidence or not, the title is Witness 8. This time, Eddie agrees to defend John Jackson, a paediatric brain surgeon who has…
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Broiler by Eli Cranor

The broiler is a breed of chicken favoured by the American poultry industry for its flesh. If you’re hatched a broiler, you’re dead meat, and the sense of fatalism hinted at in the title is something that will certainly cast its shadow across the narrative…
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