Crime Fiction Lover

On the Radar: Some new crime fiction authors for you to try

This week we bring you five new crime novels by authors you possibly haven’t heard of. Yet. It’s always good to keep your reading fresh and to stray from those tried and trusted series now and again, and try something new. One of these might fit the bill…

Let us know what you’re reading in the comments below.

Hermit by SR White

A new name joins the ever-expanding ranks of Aussie crime writers – welcome, SR White, a Brit who now lives in Queensland. The death of a shopkeeper in rural Australia gives detective Dana Russo a fresh chance at life. She’s a troubled individual, and when she is given just 12 hours to interview the prime suspect in the crime – a silent, inscrutable man who has been missing for the past 15 years – Russo must set aside her own demons and gain the man’s trust. It’s an uphill task, and she will have to confront her past to stand any chance of getting him to reveal the truth… Hermit is out now for Kindle and on 17 September in print.
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Without Her Consent by McGarvey Black

Out now from Bloodhound Books, McGarvey Black’s latest psychological thriller has an interesting and somewhat sickening concept to it. While lying there in a coma, a woman gives birth to a baby boy. It means that someone in the hospital is a rapist – but who? A doctor? A male nurse? A visitor? The chaplain? While Detectives McQuillan and Blalock try to gather evidence, Dr Angela Crawford, who delivered the baby, takes him in – otherwise he’d be put in social care. Without Her Consent is out now.
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Murder, Forgotten by Deb Richardson-Moore

Best-selling mystery author Julianna Burke is used to writing about secrets – now she has one of her own. She’s losing her memory, and with it, the ability to write the books that have garnered her millions of fans. Then her husband is killed, and her assistant has to tell Julianna the news each day, creating a fresh wave of grief that Julianna finds hard to bear. Desperate to know what happened to her husband, Julianna battles her failing mind to investigate. But as a detail of the murder surfaces, suddenly she is forced to question everything she’s ever known. Out 18 September.
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Total Power by Kyle Mills

Wyoming author Kyle Mills continues the Mitch Rapp series, created by Vince Flynn, with a thriller involving ISIS terrorists and the CIA. The terrorist organisation’s top tech man has managed to take out the entire electricity grid in the United States, plunging the country into chaos. Phone and computer networks are down, and people can’t even fill up their pickups at the gas station. Rapp and his team set out to catch those responsible and to try and force them to turn the lights back on before it’s too late. The 19th Mitch Rapp thriller is out 15 September.
Pre-order now on Amazon

Act of Revenge by John Bishop

There’s been a wave of celebrity crime books lately, but you may be relieved to learn that this John Bishop is a surgeon and not a wise-cracking Scouser. Act of Revenge is the third medical thriller featuring Dr Jim Bob Brady, and sees the doc set out to help a colleague in need. Plastic surgeon Lou Edwards is struggling – his wife is seriously ill, and his malpractice insurance has been cancelled. The second issue sends him into a rage and he threatens the president of the insurance company on national TV. Then the president is found murdered and Edwards is put firmly in the frame. Out now.
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