Crime Fiction Lover

The sexologist crime author

On the Radar — What? A sexologist who is also a crime author? Or, in this case was a crime author? Well, yes it’s true. The secretive Prof Ernest Borneman taught sexology in Salzburg, but before that he was a German emigre in London who wrote one of the strangest crime novels ever, and it’s being reprinted. We’re leading with The Face on the Cutting-Room Floor this week because it’s not often you come across an early postmodernist crime book. We’ve also got some Irish and Scottish crime fiction for you this week, and two books that you could easily call Brit Grit.

The Face on the Cutting-Room Floor by Cameron McCabe
Here’s some classic crime fiction that we’ll venture is unlike any other. First published in the 1937, nobody knew who the author Cameron McCabe really was. McCabe is also a character in the book, who is central to an investigation into several murders. Confusingly for the police, several people have been confessing to the killings, and even more confusingly, McCabe disappears halfway through the book. In a metafictional twist, the account is taken up by a friend of the author/character whose completion of the story comes in the form of an epilogue. It was only in 1981 that Penguin revealed that Cameron McCabe was actually the German sexologist Prof Ernest Borneman, a communist who fled Nazi Germany to the UK disguised as a member of Hitler Youth in the early 30s. The story of the book is as intriguing as the book itself. This Picador reprint is out 8 Sept.
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If you want more classics, be sure to visit our site next month when we’ll be holding Classics in September 2016, sponsored by Bloomsbury Reader.

Beneath the Surface by Jo Spain
Irish author Jo Spain’s debut novel, With Our Blessing, dealt with the dark secrets of the Magdeline laundries. Now she’s back with her second novel, as is her lead detective Tom Reynolds. This time there’s been a murder in Leinster House, the seat of the Irish government. Power, corruption and lies – yes, they are present and correct, but the case also takes an unexpected twist and it turns out politics may not have been the motive after all. Jo Spain is a policy advisor in Ireland, and might well be using her insider knowledge of the country’s government to fuel her storyline’s fire. Available 8 September for Kindle.
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Stay Dead by Jessie Keane
Here comes the sixth novel to feature Annie Carter, a woman who set out to become a gangster’s moll, but throughout the series has managed to turn the tables on the gangsters she’s encountered. Now she’s back with kingpin villain Max Carter, but her friend Dolly Farrell is dead and Annie sets out to hunt the killer. Standing in her way… well, some of those gangsters she’s turned the tables on, maybe? On sale 8 September.
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None but the Dead by Lin Anderson
This author’s previous book, The Special Dead, is up for the Scottish Crime Book of the Year Award 2016 at the Bloody Scotland festival next month. In None but the Dead, her forensic scientist Dr Rhona MacLeod returns to excavate a grave behind an old primary school on the isolated island of Sanday. It’s the middle of winter, the days are extremely short and the local people are as inhospitable as the weather. When a man in Glasgow dies who has a a connection with the island, DS Michael McNab is sent to find out more. Someone is leaving behind flowers to mourn dead children who attended the school, and a storm is approaching. Find out what happens on 25 August.
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Standstill by JA Marley
Indie publisher Avocado Books brings you this debut crime novel by TV producer John A Marley. The anti-hero of the piece is Danny Felix, a thief who’s hauled out of bed by corrupt copper DI Harkness. Felix is forced into carrying out the robbery of a lifetime because Harkness has one on him. Standing in their way is Christine Chance of the flying squad. She’s been tipped off and senses that something is going on. So it’s Felix versus Harkness versus Chance. Who would you bet on? Let’s hope the publishers put it on Amazon soon so you can pre-order. Out 15 Sept.

For more debuts and indie publishers, make sure you’re a regular visitor to our site in November for… New Talent November!

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