Crime Fiction Lover

First look: After You Die by Eva Dolan

afteryoudie_firstlook_875_01After five-star reviews for both Long Way Home and Tell No Tales, we’re going to put it out there that Eva Dolan is one of the most important new voices in British crime fiction. Now we can reveal her third novel, After You Die, which will be on sale in January. Here’s the cover of the proof copy for your delectation.

Zigic and Ferreira of the Hate Crimes Division within the Peterborough police force are back. The previous cases we’ve been privy to have both involved immigrants, exploitation, heavy doses of racism and murder. After You Die takes us closer to the domestic level – here they’re investigating the murder of a woman who was the carer for her severely disabled teenage daughter. The poor girl has been left to die of neglect and there’s anti-disabled graffiti near the crime scene.

Just as the case has new dimensions for these two detectives – both of whom have immigrant roots – the setting is different too. We’re out of Peterborough’s post-industrial dystopia and in a picturesque Fens village nearby. But don’t worry, the author has promised plenty of grit, a little sex, and one or two yucky things that we’d rather not write about… However, there’s also a serious look at the struggle many full time carers face, and the right to die debate too. Eva can’t resist dissecting a social issue, and that’s why we love her work.

So, put 21 January in your diary, make sure you’ve got at least £6.02 left on your credit card balance for the Kindle version, and get ready for 377 pages of tension.

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