Crime Fiction Lover

Charity short story competition

BNBScompo200Britain’s Next Bestseller has teamed up with to launch a new short story competition for aspiring crime writers. It opened today and runs until 31 January 2015, and they’re looking for 10 fantastic crime stories to fill a charity anthology.

Stories need to be up to 7,500 words and written in the crime genre. The 10 best stories will be bundled up into a book that will be put up for crowd funding on the Britain’s Next Bestseller website. When published, money raised by the book will go to The Hope Academy for Girls, a school for girls at risk in western Sierra Leone.

From among the 10 stories published, an overall winner will be chosen, and that story’s title will also be the title of the book. If you win, you’ll get 10 free copies, 50 per cent off any further editions you want to buy, plus a good feeling from helping vulnerable people through your writing. It’s a worldwide competition – anyone can enter.

For more details, read this Word document. To find out more about Britain’s Next Bestseller click here.

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