Crime Fiction Lover

The Devil in Her Way


Transplanted New Yorker Maureen Coughlin is making her way in post-Katrina New Orleans, and is in her final days as a probationer in the NOPD. A series of random events lead her on to the trail of Bobby Scales, a big-time criminal who has managed to stay under the radar by using the devastated city’s orphaned children to commit his crimes. If they are caught, he just kills them. The plight of the city and its citizens plays a big part in this book but, undoubtedly, the star of the show is Maureen.

Bill Loefhelm gives us an empathic but never sentimental portrayal of a damaged woman who continues to fight her corner no matter what. Inspiring and engaging, Maureen Coughlin is the best character Rough Justice read throughout 2013 and The Devil in Her Way was his number one book of the year. Read his review here.

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