Crime Fiction Lover

Get £30 off Kindle Fire


If you’ve been thinking about getting a tablet device or a Kindle, for your crime fiction enjoyment, Amazon has a little offer going on at the moment that you might be interested in. The online bookseller has knocked £30 off the price of its 7-inch Kindle Fire device.

With a Kindle Fire you can read any of the millions and millions of books available in Kindle format, as well as watching over 22 million films. You can download handy apps and entertaining games, and use it for email and web browsing. It’s also possible to listen to thousands of audiobooks and subscribe to the digital versions of a range of magazines.

The regular price is £129, but at the moment you can purchase one for £99. And, if you click the link below to buy one, a little bit of the purchase price will come back to us helping to keep Crime Fiction Lover running. It’s win-win. Of course, if you’re not interested, you could always read our Jo Nesbo interview instead.

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