Crime Fiction Lover

The Devil In Her Way

devilinherwayBill Loehfelm reintroduces us to Maureen Coughlin, and RoughJustice says, “The author has written a compelling character, raw and damaged from her experiences, but gutsy enough to overcome them.”The story unfolds in New Orleans where Maureen is battling to succeed in a new career as a police officer.

The relationship between the feisty Maureen and her streetwise training officer, Preacher, is superbly written, as the pair wade into the darkest corners of post-Katrina New Orleans where a mysterious criminal is using the city’s orphaned and transplanted kids to commit crime. Loehfelm uses  the the city-as-character concept beloved of George Pelecanos, but the characterisation and nuance are all his own. Our reviewer concluded, “For me, the stand-out book of the year so far.”

Read the full review here.

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