Crime Fiction Lover

Angry Robot introduces Exhibit A

Angry Robot is probably best known as a publishing house that specialises in science fiction and fantasy, but back in January it announced its intention to launch a new arm in the spring of 2013, which will focus solely on crime fiction.

The new imprint – called Exhibit A – aims to bring readers an exhilarating world of drama, suspense and… yes… fear! The company will be releasing titles simultaneously in the United States and in the UK in both paperback and eBook formats. They say the Exhibit A menu will offer police prodecural novels, mysteries and thrillers.

Managing director Marc Gascoigne has announced that Emlyn Rees is to be the Exhibit A commissioning editor. Previously with literary agency Curtis Brown, Emlyn’s name may be familiar to crime fiction lovers as the author of the fast paced thriller Hunted. We also chat regularly with him on Twitter.

“Passion, a flair for innovation and a keen sense of what readers want – that’s what has driven Angry Robot’s success so far, and it’s what Emlyn Rees will bring to our new imprint. We’re overjoyed to have him on board,” says Gascoigne.

Exhibit A is currently accepting submissions from literary agents and plans to release two titles in each of its first two months before settling into a single new book every month. We are looking forward to reviewing books published by the imprint when they’re launched next spring. Exciting times ahead!



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