Crime Fiction Lover

Shatter the Bones

Stuart MacBride’s story here centres on the kidnapping of Alison Gregory and her six-year-old daughter Jenny. They are singing sensations from the reality TV show Britain’s Next Big Star. Logan McRae investigates but runs into problems when no evidence of any kind is available, other than a ransom note explaining that the two will be killed unless money is raised within 14 days. Donations pour in from concerned viewers and fans, but it’s not until something more unusual arrives in the post that the investigation ramps up. With massive media and public interest, and increasing pressure from them, the race is on to find the kidnappers before it’s too late. Alongside this, Logan McRae must deal with a drug deal gone wrong, which has personal ramifications. MacBride is on form here, and even if the book is slower paced than usual it is not for the feint hearted. Great twists and an excellent.

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