Crime Fiction Lover

Top 5 historical crime bargains on Kindle

Historical crime fiction lovers are rather spoilt for choice when it comes to downloading your favourites onto your Kindle. Whether you’re a fan of Lindsey Duncan, Anne Perry, Candace Robb, CJ Sansom, Susanna Gregory, Edward Marston or any of the many other excellent wordsmiths in this genre, there is something to fit all of your historical tastes for around a fiver.

However, if you’re on the hunt for a real bargain, and there are quite a few out there, you can’t go wrong with one of our top 5 picks:

The Châtelet Apprentice by Jean-François Parot
This is the first book in Parot’s series set in 18th century France, featuring Nicholas le Floch, a young recruit to the French police force. His first case begins as a search for another missing policeman, but soon turns into a murder investigation when an unidentified body is discovered. This is a book that will keep you guessing and at 99p, it’s a bit of a steal.
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Hue & Cry by Shirley McKay
At 98p, this is a worthwhile introduction to the Hew Cullan mysteries. Set in St Andrew’s, Scotland, towards the end of the 16th century, the series follows the investigations of young lawyer called Hew. When a 13-year-old boy is found dead, suspicion falls on Nicholas Colp, one of the University’s regents, and Hew finds himself being drawn into the machinations of the kirk and the university. If you like this book, you might also want to dip into Fate and Fortune, which is the second book in the series and at 99p is also a real bargain buy.
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The Wayward Apprentice by Jason Vail
Vail’s debut novel in his series featuring ex-soldier Sir Stephen Attebrook takes us back to the 13th century. A body is found floating in a river and a verdict of accidental drowning is recorded. It’s not until Attebrook is tasked with tracking down a runaway apprentice, who has eloped with his master’s daughter, that the man’s death is suspected to be far from accidental. When his master is murdered, the apprentice finds himself in the frame and Attebrook finds himself caught in a dangerous game of political intrigue whilst trying to prove the boy’s innocence. Some might view this as a risky buy as it’s a self-published book, but at 86p take our advice and give it a read. It’s worth it.
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Shadow of the Serpent by David Ashton
For the princely sum of 94p, why not immerse yourself in 19th century Edinburgh and the world of Inspector McLevy. The backdrop for this story is Gladstone’s Midlothian Campaign and the run up to the General Election of 1880. A prostitute is murdered and her killing bears similarities to a series of brutal murders 30 years prior. McLevy is called upon to investigate.
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The Devil’s Priest by Kate Ellis
Liverpool 1539, and following Henry VIII’s dissolution of the monasteries many of the monks and nuns have been dispersed all over the country to find homes with various relatives. Agnes Moore was a novice nun when her cloistered world was suddenly taken from her and ends up living with a relation who is far from sympathetic and welcoming. To make matters worse, she is found to be pregnant and refuses to divulge the name of the baby’s father. When she is attacked and left for dead whilst praying in a local church, she calls upon her former abbess, Lady Katheryn Bulkeley, for assistance. The body of a young priest is pulled out of the River Mersey with his right hand cut off and when Agnes is brutally murdered, still refusing to reveal the name of her child’s father, Lady Katheryn embarks on her first mystery. At £1.71, this is a little more expensive than our other suggestions, but this is a book that starts well and will draw you in.
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There are plenty of other bargains currently available on Amazon, which are a bit more of a gamble but who knows what hidden gems may be lurking for those brave enough to try them out? If you’ve come across any hidden historical bargains you think we should know about, let us know by leaving a comment. Have you tried one of our bargains, if so, what did you think?

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