Crime Fiction Lover

Short stories: Liverpool 5

Everyone here at Crime Fiction Lover is right behind our fellow contributor Luca Veste. The Merseyside-based writer’s first book, Liverpool 5, is available now on Amazon and inside you’ll find five short stories set in the city. “It’s a mix of crime and characters,” says Veste. “I enjoy writing about people, life and death, that sort of thing. I also love the short story form, trying to tell a story in so few words, there’s something in that which interests me.”

One of his aims was to show there’s more to his home city than football and the Beatles. So his work explores both the light and dark sides of Liverpool, with characters inspired by real-life situations – an old man and a young lad, or a husband and wife whose marriage is slowly dying.

“I had around ten stories I wanted to do something with. The writer Darren Sant was releasing short stories through Trestle Press and he encouraged me to send them a couple of stories to see what they thought. They liked them a lot, so it was a fairly quick process following that,” explains Veste.

The book is available on Kindle for just 86p. Give it a try and see what you think, or wait for the paperback next week. You can read reviews and articles by Luca Veste here at Crime Fiction Lover, and much more of his work at his blog, Guilty Conscience.

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