Crime Fiction Lover

New festival: Quebecrime

With two Canadians in our team, here’s some news we like. From 28-30 October, the city of Quebec will see the first Quebecrime Festival held at the Morrin Cultural Centre. The event will include readings, panel discussions and book signings by a range of top crime fiction authors including Ian Rankin, Lawrence Block, Louise Penny and Denise Mina.

As you can see, not every author attending is Canadian – part of the remit of the organisers has been to bring international authors to Quebec where they can meet their fans. Bestseller Kathy Reichs will be dropping by too, and readers of her ‘Bones’ books will know that her forensic investigator Dr Temperance Brennan is based in Montreal some of the time.

Pricing seems reasonable, if you can get to Quebec City. The schedule hasn’t been finalised but $50 will get you access to all the events, while attending single items on the bill will set you back $20. CFL is giving  the thumbs up to our Montreal-based writer Jacques Filippi who is co-organiser of the Quebecrime Festival. Have a look at the website here, and watch for one or two articles we’ve got coming up soon about Canadian crime fiction authors.

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