Crime Fiction Lover

My nano Fyction

Here’s an interesting concept. Twitter afficionado Paul Johnson is championing the idea of writing fiction for the micro-blogging service. A tweet is 140 characters long, and he tries to get a story into that tiny linguistic aperture. He followed Crime Fiction Lover on Twitter, so we checked out his site.

Here’s an example of one of his stories: “As his life’s blood clouded the clear water he noticed small creatures feeding on it and realised that his death served a purpose after all.”

Brilliant. And here’s me commenting that certain Kindle books lack weight and depth!

Still, we won’t argue that what Paul’s doing isn’t valid. At the risk of sounding McLuhan-esque, technology (media) has always affected the way people have expressed themselves creatively and we are now in the age of Twitter and text messaging. Tell us what you think of micro writing and nano fiction below.

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