Crime Fiction Lover

Look who’s writing for us II

The sequel! Earlier in the week we posted a story welcoming Guilty Conscience and Nicolette to our writing team, and put the call out for reviewers in the US and Canada.

Our call has been answered on both counts. Hailing from Montreal, we welcome to our team HoCaM – aka Jacques Filippi. He works in publishing in Eastern Canada and is a co-founder of QuebeCrime, a fantastic festival all about our favourite topic. Watch for news on the event soon here at Crime Fiction Lover. Jacques runs the well-respected blog The House of Crime and Mystery which celebrates crime novels and has a section dedicated to Canadian writers. I love it that the site is bilingual, featuring works in French.

From Montreal in la belle province we head to the lone star state, home of our US correspondent R Thomas Brown. Based near Dallas, he loves noir and gritty crime fiction – that makes him our kinda guy. Like Jacques he’s a talented and active writer covering the genre, and runs his own blog which mainly considers short stories, flash fiction and so forth. He’ll be turning his skills mainly towards longer format stories here on Crime Fiction Lover, and is already working on his first assignment.

Two excellent additions to our team – we welcome and look forward to working with R Thomas Brown and HoCaM.

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